Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Dodonaea viscosa - L.
Family Sapindaceae
Common Name Vilayati mehendi, Sukha-Kamer, Hopseed Bush
Habit Shrub
Synonym Ptelea viscosa L.
Habitat Wild
Color Of Flower Greenish yellow
Key Characters Leaves simple, flowers unisexual.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Evergreen shrub with angular or terete, virgate branches; leaves simple, alternate, exstipulate, subsessile, narrowly elliptic-oblanceolate, coriaceous, more or less viscid with shining, yellowish resin, base attenuate, margin entire, apex obtuse; inflorescence axillary or terminal, short panicles with racemose branching; flowers inconspicuous, polygamous, disk obsolete in male flower small, annular in female; in male flowers sepals-5, imbricate, ovate; petals absent; stamens 10 or 5, usually inserted on outer side of disk; filaments short, anthers linear-oblong; in female flowers, sepals 4, green, oblong-ovate; petals absent; ovary 3-6 lobed, style 3-6 sided or angular; stigma 3-6 cleft; capsules 3-6 valved winged at the back, membranous, broad, glabrous, each 1-2 seeded, viscid, resinous; seeds subglobose, compressed, exalbuminous, black. |