Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Kolretueria elegans - (Seem) A. C. Sm.
Family Sapindaceae
Common Name Chinese rain tree, Flamegold
Habit Tree
Synonym Kolretueria apiculata Rehder & E. H. Wilson
Habitat Planted
Color Of Flower Yellow
Key Characters Fruit dehiscent, capsule, bladdery.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Evergreen, tree reaching up to 8-10 m; bark smooth, light brown when young, becoming ridged and furrowed as the tree matures; leaves alternate, bipinnately compound, leaflets imparipinnate, oblique, margins incised or serrate, oblong to ovate, acute to acuminate; flowers in long, axillary or terminal, panicles, bright yellow, densely pubescent; sepals and petals 5, free, stamens 5, inserted at the base of disk; ovary 3 celled, 2 or more ovules in each; fruits trilobed capsules, few seeded, pink, 3-parted, inflated, bladder like valves; seeds small, smooth, globose, dark brown to black when ripe. |