Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Sapindus saponaria - L.
Family Sapindaceae
Common Name Reetha, Soap nut tree
Habit Tree
Synonym Sapindus laurifolia Vahl.
Habitat Planted
Color Of Flower White
Key Characters Leaves acute or acuminate at apex.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Tree, up to 20 m high, leaflets 2-6 pairs, terminal pair longest, elliptic or oblong, acuminate or emarginate, glabrous or pubescent beneath, base obtuse; flowers polygamous, regular, in terminal or axillary, white pubescent, panicles; pedicels tomentose; male flowers numerous, polygamous, bisexual few, white or greenish white; sepals 5, connate at the base, ovate, obtuse, fulvous, pubescent outside, glabrous within; petals 5, narrow, lanceolate, clawed, woolly on inner face, longer than sepals; stamens 8, anthers apiculate, filaments slender, villous; disc hairy; ovary 3-lobed, rusty tomentose, ovoid, style short, stigma 3-lobed; pistillode present in males; drupe fleshy, 2-3 lobed, clothed with fulvous velvety hairs, wrinkled when ripe, seed solitary in each lobe, brown at maturity. |