Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Sapindus trifoliatus - L.
Family Sapindaceae
Common Name Ritha, Notched leaf soap nut
Habit Tree
Synonym Sapindus emarginata Vahl
Habitat Wild or planted
Color Of Flower White
Key Characters Leaves rounded or emarginate at apex.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Tree with bark, brown, rough, longitudinally fissured; leaves alternate or subverticillate, exstipulate, usually paripinnate or even pinnate, 15-30 cm long; leaflets 2-3 pairs, opposite, coriaceous, oblong, glabrous above, tomentose beneath, with short stellate hairs, acuminate or emarginated, entire, base obtuse; petiolules short, tomentose; flowers white, hairy in axillary or terminal, pubescent panicles long up to 15 cm; pedicels very short; sepals 5, elliptic, small, obtuse; petals 5, lanceolate, clawed, margin ciliate with woolly scales near the claw; disc annular, concave with raised, fleshy, hirsute edges; stamens 8, filaments, pilose, anthers versatile; pislillode present in male; ovary entire, hairy, ovoid, tri locular, sometimes 2 or 4 locular, densely tomentose, stigma tri-fid; drupes indehiscent, fleshy, generally 2-3 lobed, yellowish-brown, rusty pubescent or glabrescent, oblong or globose; seed smooth, hard. |