Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Anarcardium occidentale - L.
Family Anacardiaceae
Common Name Kaju,Cashew-nut
Habit Tree
Synonym Anacardium occidentale var. gardneri Engl.
Habitat Wild or planted
Color Of Flower yellow with pink
Key Characters Stamens 9, fruit-nut seated on a fleshy receptacle.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Small, evergreen tree up to 5 m height; trunk short, thick, crooked; leaves alternate, petiolate, exstipulate, simple, obovate, margins quite entire, apex rounded or emarginate, nerves about 10 pairs; petiole 1-2 cm; flowers small, polygamous in terminal, pubescent panicles, up to 25 cm long; bracts lanceolate, gibbous, hoary; sepals 5, erect, ovate-lanceolate, imbricate, deciduous; petals 5, free, yellow with pink stripes, linear-lanceolate; stamens usually 9, unequal, all fertile, one larger than others, filaments connate and adnate to disk; ovary stipitate, obovoid or obcordate, 1-celled, ovule solitary, abortive or rudimentary in male flowers; style filiform, excentric, stigma minute; fruit nut, 1-celled,1-seeded, kidney shaped, seated on enlarged, pyriform, fleshy receptacle, yellowish-orange. |