Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Buchanania cochinchinensis - (Lour.) Almeida
Family Anacardiaceae
Common Name Chironji, Chaar, Almonds tree
Habit Tree
Synonym Buchanania lanzan Spreng.
Habitat Decidouos forest
Color Of Flower Greenish white
Key Characters Styles 5-6; flowers monoecious.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Small, subdeciduous tree, bark rough, fissured; leaves alternate, petiolate, simple, coriaceous, broadly oblong, obtuse or emarginate, glabrous on both surfaces, sometimes villous or glabrous beneath, margin entire, nerves 15-20 pairs; petioles 1-3 cm long, pubescent; inflorescence greenish white, pubescent, dense, terminal or axillary panicles; flowers sessile, small, bisexual, white; calyx 5 toothed, persistent; petals 3-5, ovate-oblong, recurved imbricate, disk orbicular, 5-lobed; stamens 10, inserted at base of the disk; filaments linear, a little shorter than petals; ovary of 5-6, free, conical carpels, seated in the cavity of disk, only one carpel fertile, others reduced to filaments; drupe black, up to 1 cm across, lenticular, subglobose, 2-valved, stone woody; seeds edible, gibbous, acute at one end. |