Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Lannea coromandelica - (Houtt.) Merr.
Family Anacardiaceae
Common Name Gunta/Moyen, Indian Ash tree
Habit Tree
Synonym Calesium grande Kuntze
Habitat Forest
Color Of Flower Greenish yellow
Key Characters Leaves compound.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Deciduous trees up to 15 m tall; bark smooth, grey; leaves alternate, imparipinnate, exstipulate,15-20 cm long, clustered at the ends of branchlets; leaflets opposite 7-11, ovate-oblong, membranous, apex acuminate, base unequilateral, pinkish tinged when young; inflorescence present when tree is leafless; flowers greenish-yellow, sessile, unisexual; female flowers in simple and males in compound, pubescent, 10-25 cm long, panicles; calyx 4 lobed, ovate, obtuse, ciliate, imbricate; petals 4, ovate, oblong, obtuse, imbricate; stamens 8-10, inserted below the disk, filaments subulate, anthers ovoid, pistil sterile; disk annular, 8-lobed, round, flat or concave; in female flowers, sepals, petals as in males; disk reduced to staminodes; ovary 1-celled, 1-ovuled, ovoid or oblong; styles 3-4 short; stigma small, subglobose; drupes red, reniform, 1-4 celled, 1 seeded, on enlarged pedicel. |