Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Semecarpus anacardium - L.f.
Family Anacardiaceae
Common Name Bhilava, Marking Nuts, Orinetal cashew
Habit Tree
Synonym Habitat Dry deciduous forest
Color Of Flower Greenish yellow
Key Characters Styles 3; flowers polygamous or dioeciously.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Evergreen large, glabrous tree with dense crown of spreading branches; bark black, young part pubescent; leaves alternate, elliptic-oblong, margins entire, coriaceous, apex acute or acuminate, base tapering equal or unequal, petiole about 2-4 cm, swollen at the base; flowers small, polygamous, pale yellow in dense, terminal, pubescent panicles; bracts elliptic, concave, deciduous; calyx-5, partite, segments ovate, oblong, concave, imbricate, deciduous; petals-5, free or adnate to disk, twice as long as the sepals, ovate-oblong with 2-3 ridges on the inner side, subacute, reflexed, imbricate; disk fleshy, 5 lobed; stamens-5, fertile stamen 1, inserted upon the base of disk, filaments subulate, anthers purple, staminodes 3-4, slender, with imperfect or smaller anthers; ovary sessile, 1-celled, oblique, ovule pendulous; styles-3, subulate, lateral; stigma obscure; drupe one seeded, large, yellow, pyriform, seated on fleshy receptacle formed of thickened disk and calyx base; stone compressed, fibrous; seed large, compressed. |