Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Moringa oleifera - Lam.
Family Moringaceae
Common Name Munga, Sahjan, Drum stick
Habit Tree
Synonym Hyperanthera moringa (L.) Vahl
Habitat Wild and planted
Color Of Flower White
Key Characters Sepals unequal, petaloid.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Tree deciduous, medium, trunk grayish-white with soft wood; alternate, stipules gland-like; leaves usually 2-3 pinnate, leaflets opposite, entire, caducous, pinnules glandular at base; obovate, obtuse apex, glabrous; rachis and branches slender, articulate, glandular at articulations; flowers irregular, bisexual, in lax, long, axillary panicles; bracts caducous; calyx cup-shaped, 5-cleft, unequal, imbricate, minutely tomentose, white, oblong; petals 5, unequal white or creamy-yellow, red streaked, oblong, spathulate, inner larger, outer smaller, lateral ascending; stamens 5, perfect, opposite the petals, alternating with 5 staminodes, anther 1-celled, dorsifixed, disc lining the calyx tube; ovary stipitate, 1-celled, ovules many on 3-parietal placentas; capsules 40-60 cm or longer, linear, 9-ribbed; seeds trigonous with wings on angles. |