Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Alysicarpus hamosus - Edgew.
Family Papilionaceae
Common Name NA
Habit Herb
Synonym Hedysarum procumbens Roxb.
Habitat Roadsides, waste lands
Color Of Flower Pink
Key Characters Pods not beaded; joints conspicuously veined.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Procumbent, annual herb; branches hairy, densely clothed with short, fine, spreading hairs; stipules scarious, linear, acute, striate; stipels subulate, minute; leaves simple or 1-foliate, orbicular, sparsely hairy on the nerves below, base sub-cordate, apex obtuse, margin entire; petiole short, hairy; bracts scarious, ovate, ciliate; racemes short peduncled, axillary, 4-6 flowered; pedicel as long as calyx, much shorter than the first joint of pods, teeth linear, acute; corolla bluish purple, not much exserted, standard broad; keel obtuse, adhering to wings; stamens 9+1, anthers uniform; ovary sessile or subsessile, many-ovuled, style incurved, stigma capitate; pods compressed with 3-5 joints upto 2 cm, distinctly pubescent, flattened, reticulately veined, not moniliform. |