Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Cajanus crassus - (King) Maesen.
Family Papilionaceae
Common Name Mugam, Mungam, Wild gram
Habit Herb
Synonym Atylosia crassus King.
Habitat Open areas
Color Of Flower Yellow
Key Characters Small herb; stipules linear; flowers solitary.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Suffrutiose climber, branchlets slender, pubescent; leaves trifoliolate, leaflets rhomboid-obovate, coriaceous, base cuneate, apex acute-acuminate, dark green and rugose or puberulose above, yellow or brown pubescent beneath; stipules subulate, deciduous; bracts deciduous; flowers in axillary, panicled racemes; pedicel paired; calyx distinctly toothed; corolla yellow, standard orbicular, wings auricled, keel not beaked; stamens diadelphous (9+1), anthers uniform; ovary sessile, pubescent, style filiform, incurved glabrous, stigma capitate; pod oblong, straight, obliquely depressed between the seeds, shortly puberulous 3-6, rectangular-rounded, strophiole large. |