Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Cajanus scarabaeoides - (L.)Thouars.
Family Papilionaceae
Common Name Showy Pigeon pea, Peanut grass
Habit Climber
Synonym Rhynchosia biffora DC.
Habitat Moist deciduous forest
Color Of Flower Yellow
Key Characters Flowers violet or pink, paired.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Slender, profusely branched, annual, herbaceous climber, greyish green with striate stem; leaves 3-foliolate, leaflets sessile; obovate-oblong, twice as long as broad, sub-coriaceous, mucronate, pubescent, terminal one larger; stipules linear, minute, caducous, downy beneath; flowers 2-6 in short, densely pubescent, axillary racemes; calyx densely silky, grey, teeth linear, lowest twice as long as the tube; corolla little exserted, yellow, keel abruptly incurved at the tip; stamens diadelphous; anthers uniform; ovary sessile or subsessile, style filiform, stigma capitate; pods flat, straight, distinctly lineate, densely pubescent, glandular with deep lines between the seeds; 4-6 seeds, black, clothed with fine, spreading hairs. |