Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Clitoria ternatea - L.
Family Papilionaceae
Common Name Aparjita, Kajroti, Butterfly pea
Habit Climber
Synonym Clitoria bracteata Poir.
Habitat cultivated fields
Color Of Flower White/Blue/purple
Key Characters Stem twinning, terete; leaflets 5-9
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Trailing or scandent, perennial herb or undershrub; stems terete, slender, downy; leaves imparipinnate, leaflets usually 3-7, ovate or oblong, base obtuse, margin entire, tip retuse, subcoriaceous, not gland dotted; stipules persistent, minute, linear, membranous; flowers blue or white, large, axillary, solitary; bract large; bracteoles 2, foliaceous, rounded obtuse; calyx tubular, teeth deltoid or lanceolate, membranous, half the length of tube; corolla large, much exserted, white or blue; petals very unequal, standard spoon shaped, very large, wings and incurved keel much shorter; stamens diadelphous or monoadelphous, anther uniform; ovary stalked, many ovuled, style incurved, flattened, bearded along the inner side, stigma terminal; pods flattened, linear, sharply beaked, 6-10 seeded. |