Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Crotalaria hirsuta - Willd.
Family Papilionaceae
Common Name Rattle pod
Habit Herb
Synonym Crotolaria dichotoma Roth
Habitat Rocky places
Color Of Flower Yellow
Key Characters Stipules present
Systematic Position
Division :
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Plant Description
An erect or diffused, perennial herb, clothed with short, silky, spreading hairs; branches slightly arched; leaves nearly sessile, simple, linear, finely silky, minute; membranous, ovate, acute, slightly oblique at base; stipules linear, minute; racemes terminal, short, more slender, peduncled, 2-3 flowered, densely clothed with short spreading hairs; bracts lanceolate, minute; calyx densely pubescent; corolla yellow, distinctly exserted, standard with purple spots, keel beaked, firmly coherent; stamens 10, monadelphous, anthers dimorphous; ovary sessile or stipitate, linear, usually many ovuled, style long, abruptly incurved at the base, bearded upwards, stigma minute, oblique; pods sessile or shortly stalked, flattened, oblong, 6-10 seeded. |