Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Crotalaria juncea - L.
Family Papilionaceae
Common Name Sanai, Sun hemp
Habit Shrub
Synonym Crotolaria benghalensis Lam.
Habitat Tropical areas
Color Of Flower Yellow
Key Characters Racemes terminal.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Tall, stiff shrub, 2-3m in height, branches slender, rigid, virgate, terete, thinly silky; leaves distant, sub-sessile, firm, linear-oblong, shining on both surfaces with thin, short, silky brown hairs; stipules minute and subulate or absent; racemes lateral or terminal, not panicled, loosely 12-20 flowered, reaching 25-30cm long; bracts minute, linear; calyx reddish, densely clothed with ferruginous, velvety, hairs; deeply toothed, teeth linear-lanceolate; corolla bright yellow, glabrous, slightly exserted; stamens 10, monadelphous, anthers dimorphous; ovary sessile or stipitate, linear, usually many ovuled, style long, abruptly incurved at the base, bearded upwards, stigma minute, oblique; pods oblong, sessile, 3-4cm long, twice as the calyx, clothed with short, spreading, persistent, silky hairs, 10-15 seeded. |