Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Dalbergia sissoo - Dc.
Family Papilionaceae
Common Name Shisham, Indian Rosewood
Habit Tree
Synonym Amerimnon sisoo (Roxb.) Kuntze
Habitat Planted
Color Of Flower Yellow
Key Characters Leaflets acuminate; flowers yellow.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Large tree up to 25 m high, finely, grey downy branches densely pubescent, wood brown, very hard; leaves imparipinnate, glabrescent, leaflets 3-5, ovate, oblong or sub-orbicular, acute, alternate, rachis zigzag, glabrescent; flowers sub-sessile in dense panicle, 5-8 cm long, much shorter than the leaves in axillary racemes; calyx teeth very short, lowest rather longest, lanceolate; corolla pale yellow, twice the length of calyx; standard with long claw and round limb; stamens 9, monadelphous, sheath slit down the keel, anthers minute, basifixed; ovary smallest in he genus but twice as the calyx; pods strap shaped, pale brown, glabrous, obtuse, stalk twice as long as the calyx, narrowed below, 1-4 seeded. |