Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Erythrina variegata - L.
Family Papilionaceae
Common Name Pangra, Gadha palash, Indian coral tree
Habit Tree
Synonym Erythria indica Lamk.
Habitat Marshy places
Color Of Flower Scarlet red
Key Characters Calyx spatheceous, splitting upto the base,5-toothed, 2-lipped, apex .
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Deciduous, tall tree with thin grey bark, armed with minute, sharp, conical, black prickles arising from woody tubercles; leaves palmately 3-foliolate; leaflets ovate or rhomboid, acute at apex, membranous, terminal one round-cuspidate, broad, truncate or broadly rhomboidal at the base; petioles about 12-15 cm long, mostly unarmed; stipules lanceolate, glandular, caducous; racemes dense, 10-15 cm long, clustered at the end of branchlets, pedicels about 1-2 cm; calyx spathaceous, 2 cm long, mouth very oblique, minutely 5-toothed at tip; corolla bright scarlet, standard much larger than wings and keel broad, subglabrous; wings-keel not more than half as long as the calyx; stamens much exserted, diadelphous, (9+1), upper stamen free, others connate, anthers uniform; ovary stalked; ovules many; style incurved, beardless; stigma capitate; pod 15-30 cm long, distinctly torulose, 6-8 seeded; seeds large, dark red. |