Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Glycine max - (L.) Merr.
Family Papilionaceae
Common Name Soybean, Greater bean
Habit Herb
Synonym Glycine angustifolia Miq.
Habitat Cultivated
Color Of Flower Pink/Violet
Key Characters Leaflets odd usually 3, acute; pods aerial.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Erect, sub-erect or trailing, annual herb; stem stout, branches twining, brown, hairy, densely clothed with fine ferruginous, silky hairs; stipules ovate-lanceolate; leaves 3-7 foliolate, long petioled, leaflets stipillate, ovate-elliptical, membranous, acute, more or less hairy above, pubescent below, petiolules very minute; stipules filiform; inflorescence, few flowered, short peduncled, sessile racemes; bract minute, narrow, persistent; calyx densely silky, hairy, teeth long, setaceous; corolla purple-pink, white or reddish, little exserted, petals about equal in length, standard short, not spurred; stamens 10, monadelphous, all fertile; anthers uniform; ovary subsessile, hairy, few ovuled; style short, slender beardless; stigma minute, capitate; pods linear-oblong, straight or slightly falcate, pubescent, turgid, 2-4 seeded, subtorulose; seeds globose or reniform, smooth. |