Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Indigofera astragalina - Dc.
Family Papilionaceae
Common Name Dagadia, Silky indigo
Habit Herb
Synonym Indigofera hirsuta sensu. auct.
Habitat Wild
Color Of Flower Pink
Key Characters Pods more than 2 seeded, tetragonal.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Annual or biennial herb, up to 70 cm tall, branchlets 4 angular, densely clothed with adpressed, often silvery canescent hairs, stipules linear; leaves about 10-12 cm, imparipinnate, short petioled, leaflets 5-11, opposite, terminal one larger, membranous, appressed hairy, grey-green, glaucous below, base acute, apex retuse-mucronate, margin entire; densely coated with adpressed hairs; petiole up to 3 cm; bracts linear, acuminate, setaceous, deciduous; racemes axillary, up to 15 cm, many flowered, calyx densly pubescent, teeth setaceous, long plumose; corolla not much exserted, irregular, imbricate, red or pink, standard obovate, keel straight, not rostrate, spurred on each side near the base; stamens diadelphous (9+1); anthers uniform, apiculate; ovary sessile, many ovuled; style short, incurved, stigma terminal, capitates; pods sub tetragonous, straight, short, about 2 cm, densely clothed like the branches, 4-6 seeded. |