Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Stellaria media - (L.) Willd.
Family Caryophyllaceae
Common Name Safed phul-kee, Chickweed
Habit Herb
Synonym Stellaria barbata Stokes
Habitat Wild
Color Of Flower Greenish white
Key Characters Leaves exstipulate; styles 3.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Small herbs; stem procumbent, much branched, glabrous or laxly pubescent throughout, 4-angled, flaccid; leaves 2-3 cm long, shortly petioled or sessile, elliptic, very variable in shape, ovate or cordate, acuminate; flowers in axillary or terminal cymes, pedicels slender, glabrous or glandular pubescent; sepals-5, free up to the base, obtuse or subacute, hairy, glandular or covered with raised points; petals 5, greenish white, notched, shorter than glandular sepals(sometimes absent); stamens 3-10; disc annular or divided into glands; ovary 1-celled, ovules many, styles 3; capsules ovoid, cylindric, equalling the calyx; seeds compressed, brown, opaque, wrinkled. |