Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Indigofera linifolia - (L. F.) Retz.
Family Papilionaceae
Common Name Lal-godhadi, Torki, Ratanjot, Narrow leaf indigo
Habit Herb
Synonym Indigofera albicans Span.
Habitat Roadside
Color Of Flower Pink or red
Key Characters Leaves linear, acute or obtuse; pods 1 seeded.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Prostrate, annual herb, up to 40 cm tall, much branched, with persistently silvery-white appressed hairs; stipules linear, minute, setaceous; leaves simple, sub-sessile, linear, 2-3 cm long, obovate, obtuse, pubescent with mucronate apex; inflorescence axillary, dense, subsessile racemes, 6-2 flowered; calyx deeply cut, covered with silvery hairs, teeth linear, setaceous, longer than the tube; corolla bright red, 2-3 times as the calyx, caduceus, standard obovate, keel straight, not rostrate, spurred on each side near the base; stamens diadelphous (9+1), anthers uniform, apiculate; ovary sessile; style short, incurved, stigma capitate, usually penicillate; pods minute, globose, turgid, rarely flattish, unarmed, densely muricated, silvery pubescent, seeds solitary. |