Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Indigofera linnaei - Ali
Family Papilionaceae
Common Name Latahai, Bekario, Atahai, Birdville indigo
Habit Herb
Synonym Indigofera enneaphylla L.
Habitat Open area
Color Of Flower Red or Pink
Key Characters Leaves compound.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Annual or biennial herb with woody rootstock; stem 30-50 cm long, trailing, often with long, pubescent branches, slender, diffused, sparingly strigose, silvery-white, thinly hoary, appressed hairs; leaves imparipinnate, 5-9 foliolate, oblanceolate, sessile or subsessile; stipules ovate, cuspidate, scarious or setaceous; leaflets alternate, small, firm, linear-oblanceolate, obovate, retuse or mucronate; pubescent on both surfaces; stipules minute, setaceous; flowers in dense axillary, sessile or subsessile racemes or spicate, shortly peduncled, 10-15 flowered; calyx hoary, pubescent, teeth linear, longer than the tube, setaceous; corolla bright red or pink, slightly exserted; standard ovate, keel straight, not rostrate, spurred on each side near the base; pods oblong to subovoid, cylindrical, straight, thinly hoary, slightly exserted; seeds 2, yellow. |