Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Indigofera trita - L.F.
Family Papilionaceae
Common Name Asian Indigo, Warted indigo
Habit Herb or under shrub
Synonym Indigofera mucronata Lamk.
Habitat Moist places
Color Of Flower Red
Key Characters Pods more than 2 seeded, racemes shorter than leaves
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Much branched undershrub, with firm, slender, soon glabrescent branches; leaves thinly clothed with adpressed, grey pubescence; stipules minute, setaceous; leaves 3-foliolate, leaflets elliptic-oblong or obovate, the end one stalked laterals opposite; flowers 6-12 in axillary short racemes; peduncles and pedicels very short; calyx white, canescent, teeth long, setaceous, linear; corolla purplish-red, twice as the calyx; standard ovate, keel straight, not rostrate, spurred on each side near the base; stamens diadelphous (9+1); pods deflexed, tetragonous, firm, glabrescent, valves obtusely keeled; 6-10 seeded. |