Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Lathyrus odoratus - L.
Family Papilionaceae
Common Name Phul mattar, Sweet pea
Habit Herb
Synonym Habitat Cultivated beds
Color Of Flower Red/pinkpurple
Key Characters Leaves with 1-2 pairs of foliaceous leaflets, distal and terminal ones modified into tendrils, flowers purple/blue; stem and pods not winged
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Annual, climbing herb, growing up to 1 or 2 m high with angular, glabrescent, winged stems; leaves paripinnate; leaflets in a pair, ovate-oblong or elliptic, glabrous above, hairy along the veins beneath; terminal tendril twines around supporting plants or structures; stipules falcate, auricled at base, foliaceous; flowers purple, in axillary clusters, usually 1-3 on short pedicels; calyx about 1 cm, cleft halfway down; corolla white, pink or purple; stamens-10, diadelphous, sheath truncate; ovary subsessile or stipitate, style flattened and hairy below stigma; pods not winged, slightly curved, pubescent, 6-8 seeded, hairy. |