Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Melilotus indicus - (L.) All.
Family Papilionaceae
Common Name Ban methi, Indian Sweet Clover
Habit Herb
Synonym Trifolium indicum L.
Habitat Rocky or hilly slopes
Color Of Flower Yellow
Key Characters Corolla yellow; pods 1- seeded
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Annual, slender herb; leaves 3- foliolate, stipules linear, adnate to petiole, foliaceous; leaflets elliptic, obovate or oblanceolate, margins toothed, cuneate, rounded, retuse at apex; petiolules of the lateral leaflets very short, of terminal leaflet long; racemes long, dense flowered; calyx teeth 5, unequal, deltoid, as long as the tube; corolla yellow, odorous, 3 times as long as calyx, standard and wings narrow, and keel obtuse straight; stamens diadelphous anther uniform filaments not dilated; ovary sessile or subsessile, five ovuled; style filiform, glabrous much incurved; stigma terminal; pods ellipsoid, compressed, reticulato-lecunose, glabrous, longer than calyx, 1 seeded, seeds brown. |