Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Millettia peguensis - Ali
Family Papilionaceae
Common Name Thuma, Moulmein wood rose
Habit Tree
Synonym Millettia ovalifolia Kurz
Habitat Planted
Color Of Flower Mauve purple
Key Characters Tree with 7 leaflets; flowers purple
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
A medium-sized, erect, glabrous, deciduous tree sometimes climbing shrub; bark pale brown, smooth; leaves imparipinnate,10-45 cm long with 3 pairs of opposite leaflets, terminal larger one, leaflets ovate-elliptic, entire, acute to acuminate, glabrous above, glaucascent and finely reticulate beneath, petiolules slender, very short; stipules caducous, stipellae absent; flowers showy in 15-20 cm long, axillary racemes, often fascicled, simple or paniculate; pedicels up to 1 cm, purple; calyx campanulate, teeth short, broader than long, nearly truncate, purple, glabrous; corolla much exserted, blue or purple, petals with long claw, standard glabrous, auriculate, keel not beaked; stamens mono-or diadelphous, filament filiform, glabrous with purple spot, anthers uniform; ovary sessile, linear, few ovuled; style filiform, incurved; stigma capitate; pods woody, sub-indehiscent, linear-oblong, narrowed towards base, 2-3 seeded, flat or turgid with obtuse sutures. |