Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Mucuna pruriens - (L.) Dc.
Family Papilionaceae
Common Name Kaunch, Kenwanch, Cowage, Velvet-Bean
Habit Climber
Synonym Mucuna axillaris Baker
Habitat Open areas
Color Of Flower Purple
Key Characters Terminal leaflet not modified into tendril, pods terete, densely covered with irritant bristles.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Annual or perennial, slender, twinner and pubescent young branches; leaves stipulate, stipelate, 3-foliolate, leaflets obovate, rhomboid or ovate, elliptic, membranous, glabrescent above, lustrous with fine grey silky pubescence beneath, lateral leaflets obliquely acute or acuminate; racemes drooping on short peduncles, 3-30 flowered, rachis finely silky, bracteoles smaller, lanceolate; flowers large, showy, usually purple; calyx campanulate, 5 toothed with a few pungent bristles; corolla purple, much exserted, standard slightly exceeds the wings but not longer than the rostrate keel; stamens diadelphous, anthers dimorphous; ovary sessile, many ovuled; style incurved, beardless; stigma capitate; pod 'S' shaped, densely clothed with grey to brown, stinging, needle like hairs, turgid, 5-6 seeded. |