Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Paracalyx scariosus - (Roxb.) Ali
Family Papilionaceae
Common Name Ban Ghevada, Ran Ghewra
Habit Climber
Synonym Cylista scariosa Roxb.
Habitat Dry deciduous forest
Color Of Flower Pale yellow
Key Characters Stipules not adnate to petiole; pods included within calyx
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Annual or perennial woody climber, branchlets slender, densely pubescent, stipules small, deciduous, scarious, stipulate, leaves 3 foliolate, gland dotted below, up to 10 cm, terminal leaflet rhomboid or deltoid, laterals ovate, slightly oblique, densely, valvety pubescent on both surfaces, base obtuse, apex acuminate, margine entire; petiole up to 5 cm, bract large membranous, flowers in dense or lax, axillary racemes or panicles, upto 7 cm long; pedicel short; calyx long, pubescent, campanulate, teeth accrescent, scarious, lowest largest, boat shaped; corolla yellow, slightly exserted; petals clawed, standard auricled at base, wings oblong, keels incurved; stamens diadelphous, dimorphous; ovary subsessile; style filiform; stigma capitate; pods not jointed, oblique, 1-2 seeded. |