Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Pisum sativum - L.
Family Papilionaceae
Common Name Mater, Pea
Habit Herb
Synonym Pisum vulgare Jundz
Habitat Cultivated
Color Of Flower Creamy White
Key Characters Pods not winged.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Procumbant, annual herbs with hollow, glabrous stem; leaves paripinnate, rachis ending in a branched tendril; leaflets 2-3 pairs; stipules large, foliaceous, ovate, semicordate or auricled, irregularly toothed at base; flowers white, axillary, solitary or in racemes, peduncles 1-few flowered; calyx campanulate; teeth unequal; corolla exserted, creamy white or pale yellow, standard broad, clawed, wings jointed in the middle, larger than and adnate to the keel and also to basal part of staminal tube; stamens 10, diadelphous, stamina tube truncate at mouth; ovary stipitate, subsessile, 2-many ovuled, style thickened, inflexed, laterally compressed, dilated above, bearded below the stigma; pods cylindric, slightly compressed, turgid; seeds globose, smooth or wrinkled. |