Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Pterocarpus marsupium - Roxb.
Family Papilionaceae
Common Name Beejasal, Indian Keno
Habit Tree
Synonym Hedysarum tuberosum Willd.
Habitat Hilly areas
Color Of Flower Yellow
Key Characters Leaflets alternate; pods yellow, orbicular, winged.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Tall or medium sized tree, bark brown or grey; leaves imparipinnate, about 15-25 cm long, leaflets 5-7, distinctly, alternate, exstipellate, coriaceous, sparingly clothed with persistent, appressed hairs on lower surface, elliptic or ovate-lanceolate, obtuse or subacute, sometimes slightly or deeply emarginated, terminal leaflet largest, veins close and prominent beneath; flowers large, in much branched, thinly pubescent, brown, terminal panicles, shorter than the leaves, pedicels shorter than calyx; calyx clothed with brown, pubescent, teeth deltoid, triangular, two upper ones largest; corolla yellow, twice as the calyx, standard and wings crisped, keel obtuse, petals scarcely or not at all coherent; stamens monadelphous, staminal sheath splits below and above both, anthers versatile; ovary shortly stalked, 2-ovuled, style incurved, stigma terminal; pods indehiscent, orbicular,1 or rarely 2- seeded with rigid wing broader than the seed, small beak at the basal corner. |