Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Pueraria tuberosa - (Willd.) Dc.
Family Papilionaceae
Common Name Bankumhra, Patal kumhra, Bijnor, Indian Kudzu
Habit Shrub
Synonym Hedysarum tuberosum Willd.
Habitat Deciduous or mixed forest
Color Of Flower Blue
Key Characters Stout, extensive climbers, upper lip/teeth of calyx not projecting.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Twining deciduous shrub, very large, tuberous roots; branches finely grey downy; stipules minute, deciduous, cordate-ovate; leaves 3-foliolste, leaflets stipellate, membranous, obscurely roundish, glabrescent above, densely clothed with whitish adppresed hairs beneath, lateral ones oblique; flowers in dense, virgate, leafless often panicled receme, reaching 12-20 cm in length; pedicels very short, densely fascicled; bracts very minute; calyx teeth long, densely silky; upper 2 connate; corolla blue or purple, nearly twice the calyx, distinctly exserted, standard orbicular, distinctly spurred, wings oblong, keel obtuse; stamens monadelphous, anthers uniform; ovary sessile or nearly so, many ovuled; style filiform, not bearded; stigma capitate; pods linear, about 4-8 cm long, membranous, flat, many seeded, clothed with long, grey, silky, bristly hairs. |