Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Sesbania grandiflora - (L.) Pers.
Family Papilionaceae
Common Name Moonga, Agastya,Humming bird tree, Agati
Habit Tree
Synonym Robinia grandiflora L.
Habitat Planted
Color Of Flower White
Key Characters Tall tree; corolla 8-10 cm, white; pods flat.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
A short lived, soft wooded tree, with straight 8-10 m tall stem; branches virgate, terete; leaves odd pinnate, 20-30 cm long; leaflets 41-61, deciduous, linear-oblong, glabrous, pale green; petioles very short; petiolules minute, pubescent; stipules ovate lanceolate, deciduous; flowers white, large, showy, 2-4 in short, axillary racemes; bracts linear, setaceous; calyx glabrous, obscurely 5 toothed, shallowly 2-lipped; corolla 8-10 cm long, glabrous, white or sometimes tinged with pink; stamens diadelphous, uniform, anthers obtuse, hairs basifixed; ovary stipitate, many ovuled; style filiform, incurved, glabrous, stigma capitate; pods very long, 30 cm or more, narrow, dehiscent, falcate or straight, not jointed, sometimes slightly constricted between the seeds, sutures much thickened; seeds many, compressed. |