Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Sesbania sesban - (L.) Merr.
Family Papilionaceae
Common Name Jayantika (H), Common sesban, Egyptian Rattle Pod
Habit Tree
Synonym Coronilla sesban Willd.
Habitat Planted
Color Of Flower Yellow
Key Characters Herbs or shrubs; corolla less than 2 cm, yellow; pods terete, stem unarmed.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
A medium sized, soft wooded, unarmed tree or shrub, up to 2-4 m tall, branches glabrous, slender, terete or angled, striate; leaves odd pinnate, rachis short, up to 12 cm, leaflets 21-41 pairs, linear, oblong, glabrous, base and apex-obtuse, margins entire, pale green; petioles up to 1 cm, petiolule minute, stipules, linear, acute, caducous; inflorescence 6-10 flowered, axillary, lax racemes; flowers 1.5 cm across; peduncle upto 2.5 cm, pedicels filiform upto 1 cm; calyx teeth broadly triangular, much shorter than the tube, membranous glabrous; corolla exserted, pale-yellow, glabrous, petals clawed, standard, broad, wings and keels obtuse straight or recurved; stamens diadelphous (9+1), anthers uniform; ovary stipitate, many ovuled; style filiform, incurved; stigma capitate; pods pendulous, up to 25 cm long, tinged with red, 20-40 seeded, torulose, sharply beaked, sutures little thickened, seeds oblong. |