Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Smithia conferta - Sm.
Family Papilionaceae
Common Name Paired flower Smithia
Habit Herb
Synonym Smithia germiniflora Roth
Habitat Moist places
Color Of Flower Yellow
Key Characters Pods twisted, included within the calyx.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Small spreading herb or undershrub upto 45 cm high, sparingly, branched, stem not bristly small; stipules auricled, persistent, scarious; leaves paripinnate, leaflets stipellate, 5-9 pairs, sensitive linear-oblong, margin serrate, bristles of the edges and midrib more copious and longer; bracts linear, ciliate; bracteoles obovate, bristly, half as long as calyx; racemes short peduncled, 6-12 flowered, axillary; flowers small, less than 1 cm across, subsessile; calyx deeply 2-lipped, entire, lobes acute with numerous parallel veins, few deciduous bristles; corolla yellow, exserted, about twice as the calyx, standard orbicular, keel incurved, obtuse, narrowed base, wings oblong; stamens isodiadelphous (5+5), anthers uniform; ovary linear, many ovuled; style filiform, incurved; stigma minute capitate; pod twisted or folded inside the calyx moniliform or flat, 4-6 seeded, joints , very turgid, papilose; seed reniform. |