Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Stylosanthes fruticosa - (Retz.) Alston
Family Papilionaceae
Common Name Hamata, Shrubby Pencil-flower
Habit Herb
Synonym Stylosanthes aprica Span.
Habitat Wild
Color Of Flower Yellow
Key Characters Diffussed procumbent herb or undershrub;flowers yellow.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
A diffused, procumbent herb or undershrub, root stock woody, branchlets terete, silky-villous; leaves pinnately compound, 3-foliolate, tomentose; leaflets oblong- elliptic, apex mucronate, margin entire, coriaceous, prominently nerved, little pubescent beneath; petiole short; stipules large, scariose, adnate to the petiole, upper half with two spreading teeth, silky pubescent; bracts persistent, scarious, linear or lanceolate, striated, pubescent; flowers inconspicuous, 1 or few in terminal heads, polygamous, fertile ones apetalous; calyx tube relatively long, slender, teeth-5, filiform, 4-subconnate; corolla yellow, inserted at the throat of calyx tube, standard orbicular, wings oblong-obovate, keels subrostrate, incurved; stamens monadelphous 10, connate into staminal sheath, anthers dimorphous, filaments slender; ovary subsessile at the base of calyx tube, style long, slender, filiform; stigma minute, capitate; pods 1-2 flattened, rugose, jointed, tipped with basal part of style. |