Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Tephrosia pumila - (Lamk.) Pers.
Family Papilionaceae
Common Name Indigo Sauvage
Habit Herb
Synonym Tephrosia dichotoma Desv.
Habitat Dry deciduous forest
Color Of Flower Purple
Key Characters Procumbant herbs, racemes 1-3 flowered,terminal or leaf opposed.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Perennial, copiously branched, suberect herbs with villous, terete stems; stipules linear, setaceous; leaves odd-pinnate, leaflets 9-11 pairs, opposite, oblanceolate or oblong, base cuneate, apex emarginate or mucronate, margins entire, densely tomentose beneath; inflorescence 1 to 3, flowered, leaf-opposed, lax pseudoracemes; calyx densely pubescent, teeth setaceous, longer than the tube; corolla smaller, white/pink/purple, standard suborbicular, wings oblong, keel incurved; stamens 10, diadelphous, anthers uniform, obtuse; ovary subsessile, many ovuled, densely tomentose; style incurved, glabrous, stigma capitate; pods straight, 3-4 cm long, finely downy, curved at the tip, 8-10 seeded, soon dehiscing. |