Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Tephrosia villosa - (L.) Pers.
Family Papilionaceae
Common Name Bristly Indigo
Habit Herb or under shrub
Synonym Cracca villosa L.
Habitat Hilly areas
Color Of Flower Purple- pink
Key Characters Pods densely villous.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Perennial, suberect, much-branched herb or small, erect, silky, villous under shrub; stem finely downy, flexuose, with short appressed, silky pubescence; leaves imparipinnate, shortly stalked or nearly sessile, alternate, stipulate; stipules linear, ascending or reflexed leaflets 13-19, grayish-green, glabrescent above, persistently silky beneath, narrowly oblanceolate, emarginate or mucronate at apex; bracts linear-subulate, setaceous; flowers in very long axillary racemes, lower flowers fascicled or sometimes axillary; calyx with densely silky hairs, lobes 5, lanceolate, setaceous, lower exceeding the tube; corolla pink to red, not much exceeding the calyx, standard orbicular, pubescent outside, wings oblong, obovate, keels incurved, not beaked; stamens diadelphous (9+1); anthers obtuse, uniform; ovary sessile, linear, many ovuled; style glabrous, flattened; stigma penicillate; pods 3-5cm long, densely, persistently velvety, flattened, 2-valved, many seeded, soon dehiscing. |