Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Teramnus mollis - Benth.
Family Papilionaceae
Common Name Kalyan, Horse vine, Rabbit Vine
Habit Climbing herb
Synonym Glycine mollis W. & A.
Habitat Forest and wild
Color Of Flower Pink
Key Characters Stipules deciduous; ovary sessile; style short, curved; pods 8-12 seeded.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Slender twining herb, up to 75 cm tall, branchlets strigose, pubescent; stipules minute, caducous; leaves 3-foliolate, up to 6 cm long; leaflets ovate- lanceolate, subcoriaceous, clothed with long, spreading hairs, terminal leaflet as long, lateral ones acute, margines entire; bracts linear, minute, caducous; racemes axillary up to 5 cm, pedicel short: calyx campanulate, teeth short, distinct, subequal, upper-2 not so long; corolla pink, little exserted, petals about equal, standard not spurred, narrowed into claw, wings oblong, keel incurved; stamens monadelphous (10), dimorphous, alternate, anthers small, abortive; ovary sessile, many ovuled; style short, curved, beardless, stigma capitate; pod linear, septate between the seeds, ending in a hook formed by persistent style, densely clothed with longer, more spreading hairs. |