Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Vicia sativa - L.
Family Papilionaceae
Common Name Chatri, Gegla, Black-pod vetch
Habit Herb
Synonym Vicia alba Moench
Habitat Moist and waste places
Color Of Flower Pink
Key Characters Terminal leaflets (or more) modified into tendril, staminal tube oblique at mouth.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Annual herb with slender, suberect glabrous or obscurely downy stems; leaf rachis terminating in short tendril, leaflets 8-12, upper leaves about 2-3 cm long, ligulate, lower shorter and broader; stipules small, obliquely lanceolate, deeply toothed; flowers solitary or paired, not racemed, pink to purple; calyx teeth lanceolate-subulate; corolla red or blue, twice as the calyx; stamens 10, diadelphous, mouth of staminal sheath very oblique, anther uniform; ovary nearly sessile, ovules 2-many; style short, filiform, stigma capitate; pods linear-oblong, recurved, glabrescent, flattened, 6-10 seeded, dehiscent. |