Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Vigna radiata var.setulasa - (Dal)Ohwi &Ohashi
Family Papilionaceae
Common Name Jungli Moong, Ban Urad, Wild black gram
Habit Herb
Synonym Vigna sublobata (Roxb.)
Habitat Waste land
Color Of Flower Creamy yellow
Key Characters Stem mostly erec; leaflets usually entire;fruits and seeds usually longer.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Twining or scandent annual herbs, clothed with ferrugineous deflexed brown hairs; petiole long, hairy; stipules falcate-lanceolate, hairy; leaves 3 foliolate, frequently lobed, leaflets slightly 3-lobed, middle lobe larger, laterals ovate-deltoid, acuminate at apex, subcuneate or subtruncate at base, margins ciliate, silky hairs on both surfaces, conspicuously 3 nerved; bracts ovate, acute, deciduous; bracteoles, linear, subulate, ciliate; racemes long, 2-6 flowered, peduncled, pedicel very short; flowers about 1 cm; calyx thinly hairy, lobes ovate-triangular; corolla yellow, exserted, standard orbicular, often auricled at base; wings obovate, falcate, scarcely adnate to incurved keel; stamens diadelphous (9+1), anthers uniform; ovary sessile, many ovuled; style filiform, bearded along inner face; oblique stigma; pods sub-compressed, cylindric, straight, clothed with reddish brown hairs, seed 4-10, oblong, dark brown. |