Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Zornia gibbosa - Span.
Family Papilionaceae
Common Name Maconha brava
Habit Herb
Synonym Zornia graminea Span.
Habitat Sandy waste places
Color Of Flower Yellow
Key Characters Leaves compound, leaflets-2.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Small diffused, annual herb with slender, zigzag, wiry branches, densely caspitose; leaves, purberulous, leaflets-2, exstipellate, lanceolate, acute, glabrous, rigidly cariaceous, dotted with black glands; stipules lanceolate with a long spur; flowers 3-12 in lax racemes; bracts large, ovate, acute, gland dotted, almost concealing the yellow flowers and pods; calyx minute, connate, upper teeth short, lowest short than two middle ones; corolla much exserted, standard broad, wings oblong, keel incurved, acute; stamens monadelphous, anthers dimorphous; ovary sessile, many ovuled; style filiform, incurved, stigma minute, capitate; pods 2-6 jointed, small, round, flattened, densely prickly or muricated, divisible into1-seeded indehiscent joints. |