Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Bauhinia purpurea - L.
Family Caesalpiniaceae
Common Name Kachnar, Purple orchid tree, Butter fly tree
Habit Tree or large shrub
Synonym Bauhinia rosea Corner
Habitat Planted
Color Of Flower Purple/pink
Key Characters Calyx tubular, bifid; all petals similar.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Tree, moderate sized; branchlets stout, glabrescent, warty; leaves 5.5 x12-14 cm, subcoriaceous, cleft less than half way down, glabrous, leaflets oblong, obtuse or subacute at apex, 9-11 nerved, plaited below, margin entire; petiole about 3-5 cm; stipules triangular; flowers purple to rose pink, large, showy, few in terminal or axillary, corymbose racemes; peduncle short, stout; bract minute, deltoid, pedicel short; calyx spathaceous, split into 2 valves, sepals-5, coriaceous; petals 5, equal, oblanceolate, obtuse, glabrous, twice as the calyx, clawed at base; fertile stamens 3-4, filaments, long, stout, incurved, anther oblong; ovary compressed, grey downy, long stalked, style long, stigma oblique; pods oblong, brown, woody, compressed, flat, about 20-30 cm long, narrow at base, apex horned, late in dehiscence; seeds ovoid, brown, glabrous, albuminous. |