Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Bauhinia tomentosa - L.
Family Caesalpiniaceae
Common Name Yellow bell bauhinia
Habit Shrub
Synonym Bauhinia pubescence DC.
Habitat Planted
Color Of Flower Yellow
Key Characters Flowers 1-3 on short axillary peduncles, fertile stamens 10.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Erect shrubs with straggling, downy branches, densely pubescent; leaves cordate or orbicular, broader than long, coriaceous, cleft less than half-way down into 2, obtuse, 7-nerved lobes, glabrous above, densely pubescent below, base subcordate, margins entire; pedicel equaling the petiole (about 2.5 cm); flowers large, yellow, axillary, usually in shortly peduncled pairs, rarely 1 or 3 flowered; bracteoles large, linear, persistent; calyx spathaceous, tube short, lobes 5, broad, ovate, finely downy; petals 5, obovate, much longer than calyx, about 5 cm, subequal, yellow with dark purple centre or with a red blotch on the inner face; stamens 10, pubescent at base, long filaments; ovary pubescent, shortly stipitate, many ovuled, style slender, less than half the length of petals; stigma oblique; pods shortly stalked, not ribbed, narrow, glabrous, brown, dehiscent; seeds 6-10, ovoid, glabrous. |