Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Bauhinia vahlii - Wt. & Arn.
Family Caesalpiniaceae
Common Name Mahul, Mohlain, Malijhan, Maloo creeper
Habit Climber
Synonym Phanera vahlii (W. & A.) Benth
Habitat Dry deciduous forest
Color Of Flower Yellow-white
Key Characters Large climbers with circinate tendrils.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Large, extensive climber with thick, cable like branches, young, densely pubescent, ending in abundant, circinate tendrils; leaves glabrescent above, beneath persistently rusty or grey velvety, lobes variable in size rather broader than long, deeply cleft, lobes cordate or auriculate, obtuse, diverging, rigidly sub-coriaceous, 11-13 nerved; petiole stout; stipules obtuse, falcate; flowers white, fading to yellow, in long peduncled, terminal, dense, subcorymbose racemes with persistent, linear bracteoles; calyx tube slender, limbs splitting into 2 lobes; petals white, obovate, shortly clawed; fertile stamens 3; ovary tomentose, many ovuled, style long, stigma minute; pods sublignose, dehiscent, pendulous, flat, woody, clothed with dense, rusty, downy tomestose; seeds 8-12, flat, brown. |