Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Bauhinia variegata - L.
Family Caesalpiniaceae
Common Name Dhondi, Kachnar, Camel’s foot tree
Habit Tree
Synonym Bauhinia chinensis (DC.) Vogel
Habitat Planted
Color Of Flower Pink
Key Characters Calyx spathaceous; upper petals variegated with white patches.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Medium, deciduous trees; leaves much large, up to15 cm, as broad as or broader than length; cleft one-fourth to one third way down, 9-11 nerved, lobes obtuse, base deeply cordate, rigidly subcoriaceous; flowers in lax, corymbose racemes, in leaf axils or terminating the lateral branches; peduncles short; pedicels erect, stout; bracts minute, deltoid, deciduous; calyx spathaceous not split, limbs 5, equalling the tube, pubescent outside; corolla 4-8 cm across, petals-5, 3-5 cm long, obovate to oblong, clawed, white, beautifully variegated with red, yellow or purple veins; fertile stamens 3-5, anthers dorsifixed, filaments long, stout, coloured, staminodes absent; ovary long-stalked, style long, stout, stigma minute; pods flat, broad, glabrous, rather decurved, dehiscent; seeds 10-15, black. |