Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Cassia fistula - L.
Family Caesalpiniaceae
Common Name Amaltaas, Dhan bahar, Golden Shower tree
Habit Tree
Synonym Cassia excelsa Knuth.
Habitat Wild
Color Of Flower Yellow
Key Characters Petals yellow.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Moderate sized, erect, glabrous tree with spreading crown; bark smooth, pale; branchlets glabrous; leaves 15-30 cm long, leaflets 4-8 pairs, subopposite, broadly ovate, subcoriaceous, strongly nerved, glabrous above, slightly pubescent below, margins entire, apex acute; rachis and petiole eglandular, stipules caducous; flowers in long lax drooping racemes, pedicels elongated, spreading; bract ovate, caducous; flowers yellow with orange veins, 3-4 cm across; calyx lobes 5, reflexed, ovate, apex obtuse, glabrous, caducous; petals-5, yellow, obovate concave, shortly clawed, imbricate; stamens 10, all antheriferous, upper 3 short with dorsifixed anthers, others with basifixed or versatile anthers, curved beak; ovary shortly stalked, pubescent, many ovuled, style curved, stout; pods shortly stipitate, flattened, oblong, terete, 40-60 cm long, indehiscent; seeds about 50, orbicular, flattened. |