Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Cassia javanica - L.
Family Caesalpiniaceae
Common Name Java-ki-rani, Pink Cassia
Habit Tree
Synonym Cassia bacillus Gaerth
Habitat Planted
Color Of Flower Pink
Key Characters Leaflets 12-16 pairs, 7 fertile, 3 sterile, 4 with spurred anthers,3 longer, sigmoid, petals fading to white.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Small tree; branches erect, puberulent; leaves 15-40 cm long, eglandular; leaflets 16-20 pairs, elliptic-oblong, obtuse, slightly mucronate, densely pubescent beneath; stipules broadly elliptic, falcate or reniform; flowers in short or long, panicles of corymbose racemes; bracts ovate-oblong; flowers large, about 3 cm across, pink fading to white; sepals-5, red, ovate, imbricate, hairy; petals imbricate, pale pink to dark red, subequal; stamens 10, 7 fertile and 3 sterile, fertile-3 with large rounded swelling on the middle of longer filaments, anthers dehiscing by terminal pores; ovary oblong, pubescent, style slender, curved; pods 20-60 x 1.5 cm, pendulous, dark brown, terete, glabrous, indehiscent; seeds many. |