Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Cassia renigera - Benth.
Family Caesalpiniaceae
Common Name Gulabi Bahava, Zurmese, Pink Cassia
Habit Tree
Synonym Cassia javanica Ssp. renigera Benth.
Habitat Planted
Color Of Flower Pink
Key Characters Leaflets 30-40 pairs, all fertile; without spur, petals not fading to white.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Deciduous trees with spreading, drooping, densely pubescent branches; bark brown, often cracked; leaves 25-35 cm long, leaflets 15-20 pairs, small, oblong, obtuse, almost sessile, close, membranous, grey downy below; stipules persistent, large, reniform, oblong, tips shortly cuspidate; flowers pink in short, sub-corymbose, axillary racemes; pedicels long, bract ovate, bracteoles 2, persistant on the middle of the pedicel; calyx ovate, hairy on both the sides, divided almost to the base, segments-5, oblong, obtuse, red; petals-5 deep pink or red, elliptic-oblong; stamens 10, all perfect, three longest with sigmoid curve, filaments swollen up to middle, anthers dehiscing by terminal pores, largest anther more or less hairy on the back; pods cylindric, glabrous, indehiscent, dark brown or black, 20-30 cm long, many seeded; seeds brown. |