Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Cassia roxburghii - DC.
Family Caesalpiniaceae
Common Name Red Cassia, Ceylon Senna
Habit Tree
Synonym Cassia marginata Roxb.
Habitat Planted
Color Of Flower Pink
Key Characters Filaments 3-stamens neither sigmoid nor swollen in the middle, leaflets 15-30, flowers bracteate.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Tree reaching 8-10 m; bark brown, rough; branches tomentose, densely spreading and slightly drooping; leaves 15-20 cm long; rachis glabrescent, leaflets 8-20 pairs, sub-opposite, oblong-elliptic, emarginate, coriaceous, densely yellow pubescent below when young, when older glabrous; stipules ovate, muricate, caducous; racemes axillary, corymbose,15-20 flowered; bract ovate- cuspidate; flower pink or red, 2 cm across; calyx lobes 5, ovate, obtuse, hairy; petals 5, oblong, concave, pubescent without claw; stamens 10, all fertile, unequal, not swollen in the middle, but thickened towards base, anthers dehiscing by terminal pores; ovary stipitate, pubescent; pods oblong, terete, often torulose, curved, indehiscent; seeds 16-20, globose, brown, smooth. |