Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Chamaecrista mimosoides - (L.) Greene
Family Caesalpiniaceae
Common Name Patwa Ghas, Fishbone cassia
Habit Herb
Synonym Cassia sensitive Roxb.
Habitat Wild
Color Of Flower Yellow
Key Characters Leaflets very small, many with a gland at the base of rachis, gland sessile; stamens 10.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
A low, diffused, perennial herb with long, slender shrubby, finely downy branchtels; stipules large, linear-subulate, persistent; leaves 6-9 cm long, leaflets 30-50 pairs, linear, rigidly subcoriaceous, glabrescent, apex obtuse, obliquely mucronate, margins entire, midrib close to the upper border; petiole with solitary, sessile gland below the basal pair; flower small, less than 1 cm across, yellow, axillary, solitary or 2-3 fascicled on short peduncle; bracts bracteoles very small, scarious; pedicel very slender, hairy; calyx lanceolate, apex acuminate, bristly; corolla little exserted, petals 5, yellow, clawed; stamens 10, all perfect, alternately long and short, anthers dehiscing by terminal pore; ovary stipitate, ovoid, many ovuled, style slender, slightly pubescent; pod short-stipitate, straight, flat, strap-shaped, glabrescent or finely downy, dehiscent, septa more or less oblique; seeds 10-15, minute. |